Sunday, 2 September 2012

Heyyoh Guys.

RolePlay People LISTEN UP!

If I ever dress up, this is what I will wear...

Option A:





Option B:


Top & Shorts:



KAyyyy!  That's it!!!

Also. Check me out on Wattpad. :)



Saturday, 18 August 2012

RolePlayers! Look here!

Moi said that my looks would be here. So here is Avril McVee...

Yup. That's my fave singer, Cady Groves. I think she is really pretty and funny and sweet, a perfect girl to portray Avril.

So now you know. 


Friday, 17 August 2012

Furcking Hell!

So me and Sere are emailing each other and she pulls this furcking face! (Down the bottom) I laughed so hard and I am mean to be asleep!

Nice, Charley! ;)

Monday, 13 August 2012


So it's 2:24 in the morning, I'm bored and saying that...

I dunno really...

And my dad keeps calling me a pixie. My fault for buying pixie shoes, right?


Saturday, 4 August 2012

OBVIOUSLY Using Cheat Engine!

This annoys meh.

High levelers, (few of them) MUST be using cheat engine. Look!

No offence here, but Isha has gone from 23, to 24, to 25 in three days. How? How can you do that by yourself?
You may say, "Oh. Lots of people gave her autos!" But Dia gets loads of autos and she didn't come up three levels in three days, did she?
Isha, I'm not accusing you of it, but...

And, pandypolo... She went from the bottom of the 2nd page to 5th on the 1st page... WTF?

Sere and Valk agree... Do you?


Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Luuv 'em! I've made so many friends from them! Shout out to my rp buddieeess! :)

Kay. That's it...


Sunday, 29 July 2012

High Levelers

Wasson people of the MSP world...

Bubble here, getting all up in your news. (Sowry, I was watching Good Luck Charlie and Amy said that, so I decided to try it out. Won't hapen again! xD)

Okaii. Firstly....


I logged on and went onto le highscores...
Here is what I saw!

Okaii. Firstly, pandypolo has taken over Missy! How dare she!?!?! LAWL just joking. But Missy, you can do it... STAY ON THE FIRST PAGE!
Secondly, Dia is catching up to Isha... :O SHOCKED FACE!
Look how close Dia is...

Only 13747361 fame to go! But... I gave her an auto and I'm sure others did aswell... :)

Okaii. Last post on here is about Anyaa...
You know that fight me and her had on Missy's blog..?


I couldn't help but laugh. How pathetic can she get? Seriously... Blocking me because SHE did something wrong..? And I was protecting Missy. So she can go stuff herself! I don't care about it though, because she is missing out on all this! xD And, plus... SHE'S ON THE THIRD PAGE NOW! YUSHY!

That's it for now....

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Time for a comp!

Okaii. So I'm going to be starting a banner comp when I turn V.I.P... No banners before then please!

The reason is... I'm planning on changing my skin colour and eyes and I want them to be on the banner so PWEASE wait!



Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Catch Up

So I realised that I haven't posted in quite a while...
So here's a quick catch up!

I'm happy now because all this Anonymous crap has calmed down! Yay!

Leah has a Boyfriend so she dumped me! Let me tell you the full story...

Leah and me were "going out" but ad best friends. This way Lea thought that it would mean that we could get another best friend. So Cherry is mine and Lexi is hers. But then Leah got a boyfriend... Grr!

Shout outs to...
Serenula Lonesome
GabbiWurley (my cousin)

Okaii. So, ishacool said on her bubble that if you comment on a number of her movies, she would get you 2-3 wishys. She also said that we had to wait up to 24 hours to GET our wishys... We had to message her once done.
She spammed us.
I did it, and 5 days later I'm sat here waiting for them. WTF!
So, now she is officially a spammer. Not because she did it to me, but loads of other people too.

Finally, I'm in Wales ATM. Visiting my family. GabbiWurley is one of them. He has a brother and sister. His brother is in hospital because he couldn't move his right arm or leg but is getting better. His sister isn't even 1 and is staying at my grandparents house which is where I am. She is soo cute!
The picture of her is at the bottom! She like sticking her tongue out!

Okaii. Think your all clued up about me and my MSP life.


Saturday, 7 July 2012

I Need More MONEY!

Okaii. So thanks to Lea (TA LEA!!) I got VIP for a week. So, I decided I would get a new look...

This is what I want to look like...


I sad... :'(

So please help me get more MONEY!


Monday, 2 July 2012


Okaii. This is the Petition to end Anonymus!!! It has gone too far and we need to stop them!

Write your MSP name in the comments to sign the petition! I will print screen the comments and send them to the MSP HQ. I'll start!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

What do I call this?

I drew sumin yesterday.
Have you ever imagined what a bee would look like with a 250sc moustache? Probably not. But I'll show you anyway!

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Me and my girlfriend... :P

Okaii. So I was single. Lea was single. Now we ain't!
BTW it is a joke so don't judge us!

We thought it would be a laugh. Here is a pic of us...

Okaii. That's it!


Suck on Dis Lea!

Okay, so Lea has made a comment about her blog... she had 300 views. Annoyed me!!
Until last night. Because.

Suck on dat lil' person!

Friday, 29 June 2012

Smileylucy and Anyaa...

Stop with all the crap!

Okaii. So, I just went onto MissM's blog, and she has made a new post. Smileylucy and Anyaa have been really mean to her... once again!

This is the photo MissM took and uploaded...

How mean? For god's sake. WTF?

Now, Anyaa has commented on it and this is it!


Now, I didn't sit around and watch this argument. I wrote to Anyaa saying...

Okaii. They havn't commented yet so... I will look again a bit later.


Monday, 25 June 2012

The First Day At Secondry School, And This Is What We Get?

Okaii. So on Monday, me, Bobby, Valks and Lea went to an induction day. Me, Bobby and Lea are in the same forum group. Bobby is in a wheelchair so we had to use the lifts. There was only supposed to be 2 people on it but there where four, because there was a girl called Chelsea who was looking after us. We all went on and when we got to the level we wanted, we tried to open the door. It wouldn't open. So we were stuck in a reaaally small lift for about 10 minutes. How fun!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

211 page views!

Okaii. I have 211 page views! : D Thanks guys so much! Means a lot to me.

Name and Shame

Now, unfortunatly, I will have to start this post by the old name and shame.
Who is it? Montycute.

Okaii, so as some people know, I stayed over Valks and Lea's 2 nights ago. In the morning (yesterday) we were on MSP when we noticed that Montycute had deleted Valks as a best friend. She came on so we decided to ask her why she did that. She said she didn't do anything. Then Valks tries to say, "It couldn't have been me because Bubble has been over and blah blah blah." She was basically trying to say it wasn't her, which it wasnt. Montycute starts gobbing off calling us liers and saying that we were being mean. So they weren't friends anymore. (Plus I witnessed it with my own eyes!) So I logged on and asked her why she deleted Valks. She kept changing the subject before going offline without telling me a reason. Later, I was busy making a YouTube video and clearly put DND on my status. Monty cute popped up chatting HI. This is the WHOLE convo of yesterday!
Sorry that the filming isn't brilliant. I'm a bit shaky when I wake up. :/
So now me and Montycute are not friends, and me, Valks, Bobs and Lea have to put up with her. Wish us luck!

Shout Outs

Okaii, shout outs this week are for...

1) Valkyrie-Cain. My bestest friend ever! (I almost spelt fried. :/ )
2) Lea Jagger. Hilarious. "There's chicken under my fingernails." : D
3) Serenula Lonesome. Met you over them two /\/\ and you are totally AWESHUM. I don't think you're dead like Lea does!
4) Bobby1209. My funny friend. Sorry I got you stuck in the mud... LITTERALLY!
5) Elizabeth_rocks. Thanks for accepting my friend request. =3

Shout outs are DONE for today peoples! If you want a shout out, message me on BubbleGumGirl14. : D

Egg Throwing

So some of you requested to know what happened at the egg throwing competition. Well, we won! Aswell as 5 other teams. We almost won tribute band tickets but they were for adults. :/ So instead we had a jar of mini eggs each, and I gave mine to Valks because they made me feel sick. But, hey, I still had some and yes, I was almost sick.

That's it for today cause I gotta get ready for an induction day. Blagh. Later!

Friday, 22 June 2012

Egg Throwing

Okaii. Me and Lea is doing egg throwing today. No, we don't just go and randomly throw eggs at random people on the street. That would be stupid!!!
We're throwing eggs at each other!!!!
Why? Well. Today is the local fete and one of the competitions is egg throwing. Basically you have to throw the egg to each other without it breaking. Last ones with an egg without any broken things wins! Last time our egg cracked all over my sock and I was walking around for the rest of the day with yoke on my foot!
Hopefully that won't happen this year!
Wish us luck!!!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Keep Going

Yesterday was my Uncle's funeral. Not my uncle, but my mum's uncle, so my great uncle. I am so upset ATM. I can't eat a lot or sleep or drink. But here are a few words to keep us all going in life.

Keep going. The road is your guide, God is your helper, but you are the leader. Keep going. The life we bear is not something you can leave and come back to. It is a gift. Keep going. This is your only life. Don't ruin it. Keep going, because you know that if you stop, there is no way the people behind you can travel the way you lead.
I miss you so much. I can't wait to come to see you again. I would do anything to spend another day with you. You are my leader. So guide me through my life, so that, one day, I can come and see you again. We shall live a second life high up in the clouds, but this one without any pain or tears.

So, there you have it. I love you all. I love my uncle.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

My Poem

Okay. I wrote this poem for my Uncle. I am going to read it at his funeral and thought I would share it with you...
Death should be ashamed
Because today
He has taken away someone who will never be forgotton.

Death should be ashamed
Because today
He has created a hole that will never be filled.

Death should be ashamed
Because today
He has walked in unanounced and stolen something precious.

But Death should be rewarded
Because today
He has stopped the pain that my Uncle was in.

Well, that's it.
Enjoy the weekend.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


I am at a BBQ at the moment. Celebrating the Diamond Jubilee. Everyone enjoying the Jubilee Weekend? Street Parties, BBQ's, what are you doing to celebrate?!?

Sunday, 3 June 2012


Okay so...I went to the Dr's and I might have asthma! If it isn't asthma I need to got to the hospital and get loads of tests to see what it is...

Also, today (well, yesterday now!) my Uncle died. He had cancer....
Sorry this is short but I'ma tired and I'ma still a bit shooken...

Monday, 28 May 2012


So I thought it was about time for you to see me... The real me. I like this photo... It should be at da bottom. Me, Lea and Valks all got in to this Kilve Trip in August. Yay! Anyone else?

Hmmph, nothing to say...

Knickerbocker Glory!

Here's me with half a Knickerbocker Glory!

Mean Peeps!

I'm stopping with da colors... Bob hates dem! =)
So I just had a major delete on my friends list so that I could add Sere...
Dis makes me sad... I'm so hated...
Okay, you might not be able to see this, but it annoyed me all the same! brookeise2 says can I be your friend. I had too many friends so I said no. She said, why are you being so mean I hate you! So then she says, well i am 20 so haha! I told her this;
You want me to tell you why i don't wanna add you... because i don't, you ain't twenty that's a lie... and I hate liars!
That shut her up!

Also, today in school, my friend forgot her homework. One of our teacher starts having a go at her, so she turns around and shout; "Yeah well my brother has been in a car crash, so..." She breaks down in tears, and yet the teacher still has the guts to tell her she needs to do her homework still. I had to bite my lip to stop me from saying somthing...
The same teacher, a week ago, annoyed me again. Our class went into town for the Olympic Torch cause they were doing all these fun activities to celebrate. I say to the teacher, "Can we try the sailboats? They are down by the bridge." She says yeah. So at the end, I say, "Are we going to do the sailboats?" And she says, "We don't have enough time, and plus I didn't know where it was." -_- Really? Then she says oh well, we can't do everything... I swear if she wasn't a teacher, I would punch her there and then.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Annoyed... -_-

Agh, my V.I.P ran out. Tis sooo frustrating! I can't do anything. My parents won't let me renew it even with my own money... -_- I also broke up with Cozmic because he was NEVER online... Pfft... How annoying...

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Blah, windpipe!

I'm ill! Blah! I felt this tightness in my chest and then I couldn't breath so went to the doctors and I have swollen my windpipe from an infection! WTH? It's okay though cause I can't do sports with it! Yah... Beat dat suckas!

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

An interview with me. (WTH?)

I called this an interview with me because it practically is. I tell you about myself and what I hate about the world. *cough* Justin Bieber *cough*

What I love:
A-pizza pie-a (That's me italian accent)
My Sisters Keeper (Tell you about it in a mo)
SP (Skulduggery Pleasant)
Babies laugh! Soooo cute!

What I hate:
Justin "Faggot" Bieber
Justin "Faggot" Bieber
Justin "Faggot" Bieber
Bird crap
Justin "Faggot" Bieber
I really hate Faggot Bieber.

Okay, so My Sister's Keeper is an adult book by Jodi Picoult and is about a girl who is diagnosed with cancer at the age of two. No one in her family is a match for the transplants she will need in the future. Her parents make a new baby who is the perfect match. They make her give the parts she needs, but it backfires when she is older, because she sues them to the rights of her own body. It's really hard with loads of strange words but it's a brill book! Except for this;
On the first page, the words penis and vagina are used.
Then, later on, she starts swearing. I get worried that I am going to be asked to read to a teacher at school and a word creeps up that I can't say...

Anyway, I'ma shattered so goin now.
B.T.W, there is a pic of me below from one of my photo shoots. I think it's there...
Ah well.


This post is dedicated to my friend, the one and only...
Serenula Lonesome!
Well, we ain't actual friends, but we chat everyday! I met Sere through my friends and I have to say that I LUV HER! She is uh-maz-ing! She can't add me yet cause she has too many friends but we still chat a bit! I hope we will be friends soon. She's well pretty irl too! Well, that's that and I hope Sere see's dis.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Awww, cute or what?

I'm sad! I'm on my iPod so I can't do colours! :( Oh well! So here is my newest dog Barley on top and Bobby on the bottom. They're so adorable! I'ma gonna go now.

Animal Jelousy!

I like this photo. I'm doing Critter Time and Valks is doing I <3 my Panda.
That's Serenula Lonesome and she is AWESOME!
Love her.
Time to make you jealous!
I went into town to see the Olympic Flame and guess who was there?
I almost got his auto but he didn't come in my direction. =( <-- Bob is sad. made Bob sad... -_-
I'ma gonna go before Bob get's mad....

Sunday, 20 May 2012


Okay, so Valks is going mental for - Bella -. Well, her stories anyway. If you can't read it, she wrote more 3 times. Also, do you think she's goth? I don't think so... I was talking about Valks, by the way...
If you're reading this... HI SERENULA LONESOME! - Bella- I love your stories... 
I can never ever find any of mine... they get lost after, like, five minutes. -_- Seriously? My stories are OSM and no one reads them. My first one was, like, so popular! :)


Umm... Yuck!

 I just saw this. I mean... eww. katyxx2003... that's disturbing... Seriously.
I wish people would stop this. It's horrid. I saw one that said sex forum and I clicked so I could report and the person who made it said:

Eww you clicked on this your gross. I only made this to see if anyone would click so please don't report me!

Umm, firstly, go to school and learn grammer and spelling. Of course people are going to click... to report you! Lastly, stop begging cause people are going to report you! 

And now a note to all the people who do it:
I actually feel sick now! I'm gonna go and throw up. Any buckets?


Cheese and Cookies? Really?

So here is me and my BFFFL Valkyrie-Cain. Follow her:
 I mean, cheese and cookies? Really? Mental!
So me and her are gonna make a shared blog soon. I will blog you the link.

Saturday, 19 May 2012


So, my Uncle has asbestos cancer which is untreatable. He has 2-3 months left and...
Life's hard... so give me a break, yah? I'm trying to be colourful because if I don't I'll get upset. On this subject... people, STOP SAYING YOU HAVE CANCER WHEN YOU DON'T!
Stop with the sappy stories and then changing them half way through either saying you're going to die or that it is all treated.
MissM has cancer and she is getting it treated. We all believe her because she doesn't change and doesn't seek attention.
And I'm not sure she actually HAS cancer but it was just a guess. I'm pretty sure.
I need to wrap it up cause I'm running out of colours.


Today I went to see my god sister's baby boy... He is GAWJUS! His name is Archie-George and he is 12 days old. I feel so sorry for him because he has conjunctivitis but he is so cute. He couldn't open his eyes so we had to wipe his them to get rid of the goo.. Here is me with him...
And this is me feeding him...

  Peace out! :)


It's the thing we all know and love. But, sadly...


If you live in the U.K, Thursday will be the end of it. But just be happy that they won Nationals and Rachel is probebly getting into NEADA thanks to her performance. Hopefully Puck will graduate. If not... well, he's done for...

Oh well, there will probebly be another series.
