Saturday, 4 August 2012

OBVIOUSLY Using Cheat Engine!

This annoys meh.

High levelers, (few of them) MUST be using cheat engine. Look!

No offence here, but Isha has gone from 23, to 24, to 25 in three days. How? How can you do that by yourself?
You may say, "Oh. Lots of people gave her autos!" But Dia gets loads of autos and she didn't come up three levels in three days, did she?
Isha, I'm not accusing you of it, but...

And, pandypolo... She went from the bottom of the 2nd page to 5th on the 1st page... WTF?

Sere and Valk agree... Do you?


1 comment:

  1. To be honest, I don't.
    She didn't get there in three days. Diamonds have come out, and so has doubling Fame.

    They've probably just done that.
